4-H Clubs

New 4-H members are ALWAYS welcome!  Please note that if you wish to participate in the Green County fair, returning 4-H families must enroll by November 1st and new 4-H families must enroll by January 15th.  Member re-enrollment occurs in the fall of every year.

So how do I become a member?

You can join 4-H if you are in Kindergarten (5K) through one year past high school.

  1. Youth in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades can join the “Cloverbud” project; a project specially designed to help youth at this age explore a variety of projects and interests, in a non-competitive environment.
  2. Youth in 3rd grade and older have a choice of over 60 project areas.

In order to join, just follow these four easy steps:

  1. First, choose a 4-H club that is best for you and your family (see list below).
    • We encourage you to learn about a couple different clubs and maybe even go observe a meeting, before selecting a club to join. Things to consider when choosing the club that is best for you include projects the club is most involved with, when and where the club holds meetings, and the size of the club. You may also choose to belong to a club that some of your friends or family belong to.  The choice is entirely up to you! If you would like more information about a club or if you need further assistance please contact the Extension Green County office at 608-328-9440.
    • 4-H is a family focused program, where parent attendance is highly encouraged!
  2. Next, contact the 4-H Organizational Leader of the club you wish to join. Speaking with the leader will help you learn more about the club, its members, the enrollment process, enrollment dues and deciding which projects you would like to participate in.
    • Annual enrollment dues are paid to the club by the club’s deadline date.  County enrollment dues for returning 4-H families are $15 per member, and additional club and project fees may apply.  Financial assistance is also available. Enrollment dues are waived for first year 4-H families! 
    • The 2024-2025 Green County 4-H Enrollment, Project & Policy Guide.pdf provides directions for enrolling online at https://v2.4honline.com and an overview of the available 4-H projects.
    • While youth can enroll any time during the year, returning 4-H families must be enrolled by November 1st to be eligible to exhibit at the Green County Fair and new 4-H families must be enrolled by January 15th to be eligible to exhibit at the Green County Fair.
  3. Then, parents are encouraged to sign up to be a project leader or activity leader. Many parents all chipping in to support the grow and development of our youth is what makes 4-H possible! In order to be eligible to be a leader, adults need to have enrolled online at https://v2.4honline.com and completed the 4-H Volunteer in Preparation (VIP) training.

4. Lastly, start regularly attending meetings and getting actively involved in your 4-H club and projects!

2024-2025 Green County 4-H Clubs.pdf

4-H is… Brochure.pdf (en Espanol)

4-H Club Day TimeLocationContact Person
1. Browntown Busy Beavers2nd Sunday4:30pmBrowntown Civic CenterMark & Katy Dickson,
2. Cheese Country Clovers3rd Sunday1:30pmGreen County Justice Center, MonroeHeather Watson,
3. Clarence Bridge Pioneers2nd Sunday6:00pmSpring Grove Town Hall, BrodheadDesiree Bochman, 521-2674
Val Wymer,
4. Clarno3rd Sunday1:00pmClarno Zion United Methodist ChurchRose Peterson, 705-3891
Nicole Ruegsegger,
5. Dayton DairylandersOdd Months – 2nd Sunday
Even Months – 2nd Monday
Belleville School/Exeter Park, BellevilleAmy Krajeck,
Ashley Meudt, 214-1025
6. Decatur2nd Tuesday6:00pmAlbrecht Elementary School, BrodheadDeAnne Larson,
Rachel Wenzel,
7. Dougherty Creek3rd Sunday3:00pmArgyle EMS building or Argyle Legion ParkLisa Holcomb,
8. Hiawatha2nd Sunday1:30pmGreen County Justice Center, MonroeValerie Deal, 214-7217
DarLyne Schneider,
Sarah Sughroue, 289-9837
9. Jolly Mixers3rd Sunday6:00pmAlbany Lions BuildingLiz Niemeier,
Michelle Monson,
10. Juda Jolly Juniors2nd Sunday4:00pmJuda Community Center or Juda Public SchoolRhonda Bartels,
Lindsey Nevil, 921-7291
11. New Glarus2nd Sunday7:00pmSwiss UCC Church, New GlarusEileen Horn,
Kenna Kirsnis, 220-2781
12. Next Generation2nd Sunday1:30pmMonroe Methodist ChurchDeb Myers,
13. Spring Grove Honest WorkersContact Leader for date7:30pmJuda Public SchoolJason Gough, 558-6091
Holly Walker, 558-3148
14. Washington Center3rd Sunday5:00pmMonticello Schools Cafeteria or Monticello Village ParkAnn Goers,
Dawn Smith,
15. York3rd Sunday6:00pmNew Hope Lutheran Church, BlanchardvilleKristin Welhouse,
Amy Barnes,
16. Young Americans2nd Monday6:00pmSt. John’s UCC Fellowship, MonroeLaura Vosberg,
Barb Buetow,
Tonya Gratz,
Green County 4-H Club Information
  • Contact the Ellen Andrews, Green County 4-H Youth Development Educator, at 608-328-9440 for more information on Green County 4-H Clubs in your area.
Ellen-2-Cropped.jpg Thumbnail

Ellen Andrews
4-H Youth Development Educator
Extension Green County
2841 6th Street
Monroe, WI 53566-9397
Office Phone: 608-328-9440
After Hours Cell#: 608-352-0242

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