Home » Water Quality in Green County
Water Quality in Green County
We rely on water for many different things. Check out these resources and educational centers to learn more!
What is known about groundwater in Green County?
The following resources are useful in understanding groundwater in Green County.
Groundwater Resources and Susceptibility
- Green County: Groundwater 101 Presentation
- Green County Geology and Groundwater
- Green County Summary of Groundwater Resources and Susceptibility Presentation
- Video- Green County Presentation on Groundwater Resources and Susceptibility
- Green County Bedrock Map
- Green County Bedrock Geology Map
- Green County Groundwater Susceptibility Map
- Green County Groundwater Recharge Map
- Green County Water Table Map
- Educational Session Recordings
Wisconsin Well Water VIewer
The Wisconsin Well Water Viewer website shows well water quality information across Wisconsin summarized at a county, town, and section level.
What is known about surface water in Green County?
Wisconsin Surface Water Data Viewer
The Wisconsin Surface Water Data Viewer is a data delivery system that provide interactive web mapping tools for a wide variety of datasets including chemistry (water, sediment), physical, and biological (fish, etc) data.
Additional Information
Contact Tonya Gratz with the Green County Land and Water Conservation Department for more information regarding surface water in Green County. Tonya can be reached at tonya.gratz@wi.nacdnet.net or 608-325-4195.
What is known about connections between water and land use?
Wisconsin Land Use Megatrends: Water
The WIsconsin Land Use Megatrends-How Healthy Is Your Water is intended for local government officials and others interested in investigating the connection between water and land use.
The Importance of Water
This Water Megatrends Video discussed the value of water. This video compliments the Megatrends Water publication.
Where can I learn more about water?
Center for Watershed Science and Education
The Center for Watershed Science and Education is a partnership between the UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources and UW-Madison Division of Extension. In the spirit of the WIsconsin Idea, the Center works across the state helping to:
- Support watershed stewardship
- Assist citizens with lake, river, and drink water quality problems
- Promote management strategies for water resource protection
- Provide water quality assessment and support
- Prepare students for careers as water resource professionals
Center for Land Use Education (CLUE)
The Center for Land Use Educator (CLUE) is a joint venture of UW-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources and UW-Madison, Division of Extension. CLUE creates learning opportunities for communities to help them make sound land use decisions that result in a sustainable Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
A part of UW-Madison’s Division of Extension, the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey provides reliable and objective scientific information about Wisconsin’s geology and groundwater. Its mission is: Understanding the earth, charting its history, sustaining its resources. This includes:
- Conducting earth-science surveys, field studies, and research.
- Providing objective scientific information about the geology, mineral resources, water resources, soil, and biology of Wisconsin.
- Collecting, interpreting, disseminating, and archiving natural resource information.
- Communicating the results of the Survey’s activities through publications, technical talks, and responses to inquiries from the public.
These activities support informed decision making by government, industry, business and individual citizens of Wisconsin.
Protecting WIsconsin’s Groundwater
The purpose of the Protecting WIsconsin’s Groundwater Through Comprehensive Planning website is to make Wisconsin groundwater information and data accessible and usable, thereby, encouraging government officials and planners to incorporate groundwater into their comprehensive planning processes. Comprehensive plans that adequately address the range of groundwater issues will play a very important role in protecting the groundwater resources of their communities and the state.
How can I get more involved?
Water Action Volunteers Stream Monitoring Program
Check out the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) Stream Monitoring Program . WAV is a statewide program for Wisconsin citizens who want to learn about and improve the quality of WIsconsin’s streams and rivers. The program is coordinated through a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and UW-Madision, Division of Extension.
Contact Peggy Compton at peggy.compton@wisc.edu or 608-342-1633 for more information.
Questions? Contact:
- Victoria Solomon, Community Resource Educator, Extension Green County at (608)328-9440 or victoria.solomon@wisc.edu.