
Welcome to the Green County 4-H Poultry Project Page!  These requirements affect ALL 4-H and FFA Poultry Exhibitors, who plan to show at the Green County Fair.  Criteria are based on age and housing of all poultry, including waterfowl.  If you have  poultry currently on your premises and you have bought in new birds from any source, all mature birds will need to be tested by a certified tester in order to be in compliance.  If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Andrews at 608.328.9440 or by ellen.andrews@wisc.edu.

Graphic of a rooster.
Youth for the Quality Card of Animals logo.

Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Certification

Wisconsin has replaced the MAQA program with the YQCA program, a youth education certification program on the issues of animal welfare, food safety and character education.

This certification is required of:

  • Green County Fair Animal Exhibitors (Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry & Rabbits) – submit the certification number as part of the Green County Fair entry process.
  • WI State Fair Junior Animal Exhibitors (Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry & Rabbits) – please see the Wisconsin State Fair website for rules on this.

For more information on YQCA, please visit our YQCA page.

Selecting Your Bird

Purebred Fowl – Evaluate your bird by comparing it to the American Standard of Perfection for that breed and variety.  Look carefully for any defects or disqualifications.  Check the comb, eye color, wings, tail, feet, skin, feather quality, and color.  What is the general condition of the bird?

Turkeys and Meat Chickens– Check the condition of the breast.  Is the breast bone straight? Are any bruises or blisters present? Breast flesh should be deep and full.  Keep pinfeathers to a minimum.  Check skin for sunburn. Are drumsticks round and full? Is the bird clean and healthy?

Egg Production– A good layer has a bright face and comb.  She has a soft abdomen and a large moist vent.  Can you place 2 or 3 fingers between the public bones?  Is she clean and in good feather?

Showmanship Tips

  • Choose a well-feathered, clean, and tame bird
  • Practice putting the bird into the cage and taking it out, head first.  Make sure you are holding it correctly.
  • Work in identirying as many parts as you can on your bird.
  • Know your variety, breed, sex, and class of bird (bantam or large fowl, etc)  Example: “I am holding a black Cochin Bantam Pullet…”  The breed of my bird is ____; The variety of my bird is _____; The sex of my bird is _____.
  • Do you know a poultry disease?  It’s cure?
  • What is a disqualification or defect that may exist on a bird such as yours?
  • What is your bird’s diet made up of?
  • Name a poultry parasite.  Where do you look for them?
  • YOUR ATTITUDE AND APPEARANCE MATTER!  Dress in a long-sleeved shirt.  Be Positive! Do your best!
  • 4-H Poultry Handling and Holding a Chicken video – Penn State Extension
  • 4-H Poultry Showmanship video – Penn State Extension

For more guidelines and tips print the Junior Poultry Exhibitors Helpful Hints Handbook.pdf (9 pgs).  You can also review the Poultry Showmanship Manual for additional information:  Poultry Showmanship Manual.pdf (16 pgs).

Poultry Committee Members:

Valerie Johnson, Co-Chair - (608)778-0311
Kristi Pulvermacher, Co-Chair - (608)527-2408
Tonya Gratz, Secretary
Morgan Pulvermacher, Youth
Support Extension