July 26, 2023 -- Monroe, WI 8:45am -12:00pm Government Services Building, N3152 State Rd 81, Monroe, WI. Registration is required and can be done on the website or by calling 920-428-0774. If you have additional questions, please review the Calf Workshop Brochure. Register early as spacing is limited.
Sponsors include: University of Wisconsin Extension, Denkavit, SCG-Solutions, LLC, Compeer Financial, ColoQuick, Calf Distinction, AvA Group Inc.
8:45 am – 9:00 am – Registration (Coffee & Donuts by our sponsors)
9:00 am-12:00 pm
- Quantity, Quality & calories, the essentials behind calf nutrition by Carrie Ceh
- Processing colostrum: optimizing procedures for high performance herds by Gabriel Frainer DVM
- Importance of Immunity by Laura Woloohojian, M.S.
- Fitness for Transportation & Naval Care by Tina Kohlman, UW Extension
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- Farm Tours
- Ventilation Demonstration, is there one right way to ventilate a calf barn? By Colleen & Brooke Vanderloop