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Suicide Prevention Programs

Become trained in the world’s fastest growing evidence-based suicide prevention training!
Learn to save lives. This training engages you with powerful audio-visuals, conversational learning, and skills practice. We learn how to identify signs of suicide, become more comfortable talking about suicide, and become more skillful at getting the help someone needs to save their lives.

QPR – Question, Persuade, Refer
Just like CPR, QPR is an emergency response to someone in crisis and can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught Gatekeeper training in the world.

Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength is a School-based program that intends to change the focus of students and staff from one centered on risks and problems toward a bigger focus on strengths and resilience. The program is eveidnece-based and is proven to prevent suicide. It also is a promising program in preventing drug and alcohol use, as well as preventing bullying and violence. We also want to take this program into the community and talk about strengths, because it truly takes a village!